Challenge Yourself to Elevate Your Marketing in 2023

Many of us start the new year with plans to make improvements in our personal lives and at work. Take advantage of the momentum this fresh start offers to commit to elevating your marketing efforts in 2023. I’m challenging you to test at least one new strategy or upgrade an existing one this year. Here are seven ways to help you get started.

  1. Reach out and meet in person
    All our digital tools provide fantastic support and they helped us through the pandemic, but don’t get in the habit of scheduling virtual meetings when you have an opportunity to talk to your customers, especially new customers, in person. When it’s possible, avoid this question: “Would you like to talk by phone or in person?” Instead, ask: “When would it be convenient for us to meet in person? It would be a great opportunity for us to catch up and dive deeper into your current needs.”
  2. Ask for testimonials
    One survey reports 72% of consumers say positive testimonials and reviews increase their trust in a business. When you thank customers for their business, ask them to consider writing a testimonial and let them know how much reviews help your business. Create a dedicated page for testimonials on your website, and link to it from your home page. Another option is to direct customers to Google Reviews. Use the NIA tool for this.
  3. Improve your SEO
    Hire a professional to audit your website and provide you with updated keywords. Having the right content on your website makes it easier for new customers to find you. Invest at least 1 hour per week learning how to use your CRM and improve your SEO.
  4. Take your business on an outing
    Look for opportunities to put your business in front of people who might not notice you in other ways. This might be a booth at a community event or festival, a pop-up location, and speaking at live events.
  5. Create a cross-over promotion
    Work with another business to find fun, fresh ways to engage your respective customers together. Host events, share ad space, and give offers when customers buy at the partner.
  6. Get reacquainted with your audience
    Knowing your audience is fundamental to delivering the right sales message. We may think we know the demographics of our target audiences, but often we’re too busy to notice changes happening around us. Review the qualities of your ideal customers: Are their needs changing? Are their buying habits changing? Is their use of social media changing?
  7. Up your community sponsorships
    Renew your existing commitments and explore opportunities to add a new sponsorship to the mix and give people a reason to discover your business.

If you do not have a leader for these activities as yet, block out time in your calendar to execute on 1 or more of these activities.