The Hidden Costs of Employee Turnover: Why Investing in Your Team is Crucial

Did you know that the cost of replacing an employee can range from 50% to a staggering 750% of that employee’s annual salary? This isn’t just about the obvious expenses like training new hires and the inevitable mistakes they’ll make as they learn the ropes. There are deeper, more insidious costs involved as well. One […]

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Embracing Freedom After Perturbation

After a period of perturbation, you often feel a newfound sense of freedom. This feeling, though temporary, can be incredibly empowering. You may soon encounter your next limiting belief, restarting the cycle of perturbation. However, in the interim, you’ll likely experience rapid growth and find tasks that once seemed daunting become manageable and even enjoyable.

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Embrace the Journey: The Power of Active Participation in Learning

“The people most likely to sign up for coaching or additional learning are the folks who are already good at their craft.” — Seth Godin At ActionCOACH, we uphold a fundamental belief: the only true failure is the failure to participate. This mindset is captured in one of our core principles: “Give 100% and you’ll

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Balancing Emotion and Logic: The CEO’s Perspective

I’ve often emphasized that both selling and buying are driven by emotions—80% to be precise. However, running a business is a different ball game entirely; it’s driven by logic, 100%. This fundamental difference between the two skill sets explains why many business owners struggle to juggle both roles of CEO and Sales Manager effectively. It’s

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Don’t Settle for Average: Why Industry Averages Are Misleading

In business, it’s easy to survive in the middle of the pack with just average effort. Many companies aim to meet “industry averages” in growth, profitability, and other key metrics. But this approach misses a crucial point. Averages encompass the performance of all companies in an industry, including those that are failing or struggling. They

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Why Does Having It All Seem So Hard?

Why does the idea of “having it all” feel so elusive? There’s ample evidence of successful individuals managing their lives seamlessly while building extraordinary businesses with their remaining time. So, why isn’t this the norm for everyone? Let’s delve into two intriguing statistics. Approximately 3% of people write down and achieve their goals. Yes, just

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