Polishing Your Shoes Doesn’t Make Them More Comfortable

If your shoes are uncomfortable, no amount of polishing can make them fit better.

In a similar vein, pinpointing the right target market in your marketing is just the beginning.

If your message is off the mark, no matter how many times you send it, it won’t magically persuade someone to buy from you. It’s like trying to force a fit that isn’t there.

Let me share a series of recent Big Flashing Obvious (BFO) realizations about marketing, starting with the granddaddy of them all: there’s no free pass because it’s tough.

We’re all on the hunt for that one silver bullet, that magic solution that makes everything effortless and works like clockwork every time.

Here it is, the secret sauce: Do the darn work.

Is marketing a challenge? Absolutely.

Is it repetitive? You bet.

Will it succeed? Absolutely

Only if you put in the effort.

Now, there’s one more step.

Learn from your experiences.

Adapt your message as needed.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

If your target is right and they’re not responding, then your messaging is off the mark.

Dig deeper. Get clearer. Offer solutions to real problems. And then, do that same thing over and over and over again.

As Brad Sugars wisely said, “Don’t change marketing strategies because you’re bored; change them when your accountant gets bored.”

In other words, stick with what works while it’s working, and don’t switch things up just for the fun of it.