Personal Development

Just wrapped up another round of the Personal Development MasterCLASS. Seems like I learn just as much as the participants. This week’s revelation: the intriguing link between the beliefs of the body and the beliefs of the mind, and why the body always emerges victorious. Throughout your life, your brain has been producing chemicals, including […]

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The Profession of Business Ownership

Are you truly committed to becoming a “professional” business owner or simply treading water and surviving? Are you actively embracing the tools of leadership and strategic hiring to assemble a winning team that propels your business forward, or just making do with what you know? The game of business offers various levels of engagement. It’s

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Why We Have Coaches, and You Should Too

If you’re reading this blog, it means you’re already aligned with our way of thinking, so I don’t hesitate to share this insight with you. The truth is, owners often struggle to be effective employees themselves. Ironically, many owners boast about their independence, claiming they couldn’t work for anyone else and had to start their

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From Mastery to Results: ActionCOACH’s 6 Steps to a Better Business

These six steps are designed to help you achieve success by developing a mindset for success, identifying your ideal target market, maximizing your resources, building a strong team, creating synergy, and achieving your desired outcomes. Let’s dive into each step to see how it can benefit your business. Step 1 – Mastery: To achieve success

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How to Manage Frustration in the Workplace

To prevent frustration from escalating into serious conflicts among employees, it is crucial to take certain key actions. Here are some strategies to help you manage employee frustration: Regular meetings with your team, both as a group and in one-on-ones, can help to keep communication channels open and prevent frustration from festering. By taking these

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Which Regrets Will You Choose?

As Christopher Hitchens once said, “We must all choose our future regrets.” In business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of choosing regrets through inattention. To be exceptional at something, it requires focus and work – learning, practicing, and repeating. However, when faced with the choice of perfecting something you already know or pursuing

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Golf Season

“It’s that time again. Spring brings the promise of a new golf season and the optimism it brings. The lessons learned from previous seasons are put to the test, and the only way to know if they were worth it is to take action. Doesn’t that sound like trying something new in business? You’ve been

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