Turning Setbacks into Success: A Guide to Shifting Your Mindset

Last week, I worked with a client who was feeling rather dejected.

Why, you ask? Within just two days, an employee failed to follow a process, a customer was irate and vocal about it, and a supplier sent the wrong items. A trifecta of trouble!

How would you feel in such a situation?

The solution is simpler than you might think.

“Show me the process,” I asked. “Well, I can’t find it right now,” came the response. If the process is elusive, how can we expect anyone to follow it?

“What exactly did the customer say?” I inquired. “Well, I already took care of that. It was a mistake on our drawing,” the client admitted.

“And did the supplier tell you to buzz off?” I pressed. “No, they replaced the parts already,” they replied.

Incredible! Why focus on these three issues and choose to feel like Eeyore, perpetually glum?

It seems like things resolved themselves just as they should have.

Reading that initial list of issues, you might feel sympathy. “I’d feel the same way if all that happened to me,” you might think.

But why? It didn’t happen to you.

This example highlights how quickly your body can produce the chemicals needed to induce frustration or any other emotion, just by reading a few words.

If you aspire to live a qualitatively different life, you must start practicing how you respond to various situations. This, my friends, will require a shift in your belief systems.

We’re here to assist you on this transformative journey, should you choose to embark on it.
