The Startling Truth About Your Emotions (You Choose Them!)

Many of you might find this a tough pill to swallow, but emotions aren’t external forces that befall us. They’re not some cosmic roulette where situations dictate how we feel. Buckle up, because here’s the shocker: emotions are a choice.

Now, before you dismiss this as some new-age mumbo jumbo, hear me out. We all know the dreaded anxiety gremlin. It’s a popular, albeit unwelcome, choice many of us make. That nagging voice whispers, “If I do this, then that will happen, and it’ll be a disaster!” But let’s unpack this a bit further.

This essentially means that when faced with a situation, we unconsciously (or maybe even consciously) choose the physical and mental rollercoaster ride of anxiety. We pick the path of worry and dread. Now, don’t get me wrong, nobody wants to feel anxious. Yet, the choice is ours nonetheless.

Part of the challenge is how quickly anxiety can take hold. After enough practice (unfortunately!), our bodies become wired for it. All it takes is a mental “Uh oh” for the “anxiety program” to kick in – BAM! Chemicals flood our system, and we’re off on that unwanted flight.

And guess what? This applies to other emotions too – fear, anger, frustration. But hey, the good news is, the same goes for positive emotions! We can choose those too (we’ll delve deeper into that delightful territory tomorrow).

The key takeaway for today?

We’re not passive passengers on the emotional rollercoaster. We’re the drivers. And the good news? There are fellow travelers out there who face similar situations yet choose different emotional responses. Stay tuned, because we’ll explore the power of observing these alternative choices and how they can empower us to make better ones for ourselves.