Let me drop some truth bombs about goal-setting that you need to hear.
Your goals are YOUR goals. They don’t need justification or validation from anyone else.
When someone questioned my aspirations for a penthouse apartment, a yacht, and a private jet I responded with confidence: “I want them because I want them. Simple as that. No explanations needed.”
People may judge, but that’s their problem, not yours.
And the same applies to you.
You don’t need to justify your desires to anyone. Your goals are valid because they are yours.
But here’s the kicker: You might be the biggest critic of your own goals.
You question yourself, wondering how you could ever achieve what you truly desire.
You tell yourself to be realistic, to stick to what you know, to play it safe.
Well, guess what? That’s complete bullshit.
If you could have reached those goals with your current mindset, you would have achieved them by now. No alternate reality will magically hand them to you.
Your goals must be unique to YOU, exciting to YOU, and even a little scary.
Otherwise, they’re just a mundane to-do list that you keep pushing aside.
So, embrace your ambitions, let go of judgment, and set your sights on the extraordinary version of yourself. Dream big and let your goals ignite that fire within you to rise to the challenge. Trust me; the journey to becoming the best version of yourself is worth it.