You’re Probably Not Best for the Job

There are instances where business owners or leaders take on roles based on proximity rather than skill.

Proximity to a task or function often leads owners to assume those responsibilities, such as sales, without proper training or experience.

Passion alone is not enough to excel in a specific role like sales.

Repetitions and self-perception can lead to a false sense of expertise, even without actual metrics to support it.

When owners eventually decide to hire someone for a particular role, they tend to look for individuals similar to themselves, lacking an understanding of what a truly great professional in that field can accomplish.

This pattern is further perpetuated when owners attempt to handle marketing, leadership, operations, and other areas without the necessary expertise or training, resulting in the institutionalization of suboptimal practices.

Even you may be experiencing this phenomenon in your business.

For example, a previous client I coached faced the challenge of being too busy to handle all the kitchen sales alone, so they hired a dedicated salesperson for kitchen remodeling.

Within the first year, kitchen sales more than doubled.

Prior to that, the owner handled all kitchen sales themselves, believing no one else could do it as well.

The message is clear: you are replaceable. Which job will you be willing to relinquish first?