Free Time vs. Comfort Zone: Breaking the Chains for Real Success

Let’s tackle another excuse that keeps you shackled in your comfort zone: free time.

Ever heard yourself say, “I’ll have to give up TV” or whatever else you enjoy? Sure, that might be part of it. But here’s the kicker: successful business owners actually enjoy more free time than you do, especially if you’re constantly “busy.”

If watching more TV or lounging on the couch sounds appealing, here’s a solution: Get better at running your business so it consumes less of your time.

I once coached someone who was finishing up their workweek while swinging in a hammock at their lake house. On a Thursday afternoon at 1 PM.

Contrast that with most business owners who are so entangled in busyness that they can’t see a way out.

Think about that for a moment.

“I’m too busy to simplify my work, so I’ll just keep complaining about being busy.”

Meanwhile, your comfort zone is blaring in your ear, “If you fix this, what will I have to complain about?”

This is how your comfort zone strangles your potential. It feeds you the lie that staying where you are is the safest route, even if you’re struggling with financial issues, personal problems, or other life challenges.

Your comfort zone wants you to believe that this is your only option, that it’s “safer here.”

The choice is yours: buy into that delusion or break free and change your life. You can’t have both.