Escaping the Human Trap: Breaking Free from Herd Mentality

Ever heard of the crab trap? It’s a fascinating phenomenon where crabs, despite having the ability to escape from a trap, end up pulling each other back down, preventing anyone from getting out. Intriguing, isn’t it?

But what if we called it the human trap instead? Picture this: there’s a fire in a building, and the exit doors open inward. In their panic, people rush to the doors, pinning those in front so they can’t be opened. This is herd mentality in action.

Now, let’s relate this to goal setting and why only about 3% of people make success look easy. The parallels are striking:

  • “Hey, you don’t want to miss out on Friday night at the beer tent. Everybody is going to be there!”
  • “You’re going to the gym again? Let’s stop and have a beer instead.”
  • “No one works that hard – you should take a day off running.”
  • “Meditation? That’s dumb. It never worked for me, so I don’t see why you’d do it.”
  • “Affirmations? Isn’t that what Stuart Smalley does? Dumb.”

If you’re surrounded by people constantly saying things like this, breaking out and adopting the habits of successful individuals becomes an uphill battle. Not because these actions are inherently difficult, but because it feels like you’re burdened by the 96% who aren’t achieving their goals.

Being away from the herd feels risky. But if you truly want to pursue your goals, it’s a necessary step. It’s not about distancing yourself from people; it’s about being smart and choosing a path that aligns with your aspirations.

Remember, success often requires stepping away from the crowd and embracing smarter, more focused efforts.

Be smart. Break free from the trap.