Breaking Free from Anchors: Embracing Change in Business Growth

As humans, we often make sweeping decisions and get stuck in the past. We anchor our perceptions to the first time we encounter something and expect it to remain unchanged forever.

This mindset is particularly prevalent among business owners who ignore the evolution of their companies, assuming everything stays the same, just on a larger scale. However, there is no reality where a $10 million company is merely a scaled-up version of a $1 million company. It requires more personnel, strategic planning, budgeting, hiring, administrative work, and possibly additional roles that weren’t necessary at the $1 million mark.

Reflect on your company’s journey. Do you recognize the growth and changes? If not, you risk falling into a rut of frustration and dissatisfaction.

Anchoring to outdated perceptions can hold you back. Take a moment to step back from the daily grind and evaluate where you are compared to where you started. Have you evolved? Improved? Declined?

The only unacceptable answer is “the same.” Stagnation leads to negative outcomes. Embrace change, acknowledge growth, and keep moving forward.