Overcoming the “I Need to Think About It” Objection: A Coach’s Perspective

One of the most common objections to investing in coaching has historically been, “I need to think about it.”

Yet, when asked what specifically needs consideration, the response is often vague: “I just want to think about it some more.”

To be truly helpful, here are three critical aspects you SHOULD be thinking about regarding your business and yourself as an owner.

First, consider how long you want to work this hard without finding the shortcuts that make it all worthwhile. How many hours do you want to put in? How many of your kids’ activities are you willing to miss? How many vacations?

Second, think about how you’ll ever know what’s truly possible for you. What should you dream of? What can your business grow to support? What goals have you set and not given up on? What kind of selling price can you envision for yourself and your business?

And finally, ask yourself why you insist on doing this alone. Time and again, successful people have had mentors, coaches, experts, or consultants guiding them to the best shortcuts. How long should you try to figure this out on your own?

Your answers might be, “Yes, I want to do this alone no matter how long it takes.” If so, good on you.

But if you’re ready to find the fastest path to success, reach out to me. We have options to help you achieve your goals swiftly and efficiently.
