Overcoming Fear and Expanding Your Niche: A Practical Guide

False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR).

What if my niche is too small? Simple—make it bigger.

What if my niche doesn’t want what I sell? That one leaves me speechless…

What if I don’t believe in the value I provide? Enhance your product or service until it consistently delivers value.

How do I find people in my niche?

Now we’ve hit the crux of the matter. Fear of failing to connect with your niche. Fear that you won’t succeed in a narrower market with a focused message. Fear that no one in your niche will trust you as their provider. Fear of saying no to a customer for something you could potentially do, especially when you haven’t yet figured out how to find the next customer.

These fears are valid. However, you must address these questions and do the necessary work, whether you’re targeting a niche or a broader market.

The work remains the same; it’s the payoff that differs.

So, where do you start?


Survey your top customers and ask them why they buy from you. If you’re uncomfortable doing this yourself, delegate it to someone on your team.

Once you understand why your customers chose you, we can refine your messaging and marketing to better target your niche.

Or you can continue with your current approach. That’s an option too, but perhaps not the one that leads to transformative growth.

We’re here to help you navigate this journey, should you choose to take the first step.
