Embracing Perturbation: The Catalyst for Growth

That sense of discomfort you feel just before making a change—the pressure, fear, and anxiety—that’s perturbation. It occurs whenever you approach the edge of your comfort zone. Each time you reach this boundary, the same set of emotions arise, disrupting your mind.

Your child mind uses these emotions to mess with you, attempting to keep you “safe” by maintaining the familiar stranglehold on your life.

This is your point of choice. Remember, life provides lessons no matter what is happening. This pressure is the pressure of growth.

I might have downplayed the intensity of pressure and emotion at the point of perturbation. It’s not just a little discomfort. It’s more like, “Forget this, I’m not doing it” kind of emotion.

Your child mind will increase the pressure to keep you where you are as you approach a breakthrough. When you’re ready to break through, you’ll need to impose a higher level of pressure on yourself to move forward than to stay put.

It’s hard. That’s why most people you know never experience significant growth. The edge of your comfort zone feels tangible, as if stepping through will have real-life negative consequences.

But that’s just fear talking. It’s not real, but it is perturbation.

Understand this: perturbation is a natural part of growth. Embrace it, and you’ll unlock new levels of potential and achievement.

We’re here to help you navigate this journey and turn perturbation into progress.
