Misjudged and Disparaged

I overheard people praising a speaker earlier this week. Their admiration echoed the same sentiment—they “wish” they could emulate his success.

Interestingly, I know him personally, and in private conversations, he attributes his achievements to consistent, quality coaching over the long term.

This implies that those who “wish” to be like him have the potential to achieve it if they move beyond mere wishes.

Achieving the level of success this man has is within anyone’s grasp.

Running a successful business is not a mystery, and his key insight emphasizes the importance of creating and maintaining a culture with more dedication and attention than any other aspect of the business. It genuinely touched my heart.

Now, let’s circle back to the “wishful” thinkers.

I recently had a conversation with one of them who firmly believes coaching is futile, despite knowing that the speaker attributes much of his success to coaching. The distinguishing factor? He dismisses external perspectives as things to be criticized.

In contrast, he believes in continuous learning, embraces coaching, and values external input while still retaining the autonomy to make his decisions. It’s about valuing perspectives beyond his own.

Let’s be clear about this: anyone can attain a high level of success with the right guidance and support. The real question is, which camp are you in—success or “wish”?
