Efficiency Vs Effectiveness

The ultimate aim is achieving the results you desire.

Effectiveness should be your primary goal, especially when embarking on a new task or objective.

Efficiency, while it has its merits, can sometimes lead you swiftly in the wrong direction or impede your progress when implementing new outcomes.

Efficiency is relentlessly pursued by entropy, much like a lion relentlessly pursuing its prey. It never relents.

On the contrary, effectiveness is more akin to a hyena. It’s focused and driven because effectiveness always has a destination in mind.

Your target. Your achievements. Your concentration.

Speed matters. It’s about being fast while prioritizing effectiveness over perfection.

Move swiftly and prioritize effectiveness. Test your new outcomes promptly to adapt to market changes on the go.

Only once you’ve confirmed an outcome’s value should you fine-tune it for efficiency.

But remember, effectiveness comes first.