What choice must you make?

Today, I find myself grappling with my own comfort zone.

I am keenly aware that if I were the right person to propel my company to the 100MM mark, we would already be there.

At the same time, I recognize that together, we have built a 2MM company from scratch, making it appear as though I should be the one to lead it to the next level.

But this notion is a trap, hindering my decision-making process.

Deep down, I feel a strong inclination toward the next step.

Initially, I believed it meant bolstering our marketing efforts, but now I realize the true course is to find someone to take over my position as head honcho.

By investing more time in my “thing,” I can create greater value for the world, making it easier for a new leader to grow our business based on the value I’ve established.

However, when I step back into the role of head honcho, I feel inadequate, and I inadvertently drag the business down with me.

The truth is, I am not as skilled at head honchoing as I am at my “thing.”

My genuine expertise lies in synthesizing ideas and information, simplifying novel insights, and coaching others using all the shortcuts and skills I’ve acquired along the way.

I dare to proclaim that it’s what I do best in the world.

Being in the role of head honcho restricts the growth of my company because it’s not where my true strengths lie.

It’s essential to remember that comfort zones don’t always have to be comfortable. Sometimes, we need to break free from them to realize our full potential and achieve remarkable growth.