Marketing is Math

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to work on a marketing problem with a client.

Based on their current conversion rates at different levels, it became evident that they need to increase their pipeline activities by over 200%.

These activities encompass various methods such as phone calls, emails, advertisements, door knocking, networking, and more.

However, the initial response from the client was rooted in self-doubt, with statements like, “I don’t want to do that much” (head trash) followed by “there’s not enough time in the day for that” (reality).

But here’s the truth: mathematics doesn’t care about our personal opinions or constraints.

Mathematics simply states, “If you desire this outcome, you need to invest this level of effort.”

If your current lead generation activities are yielding only half the number of leads you desire, you have three options to consider.

First, you can double your lead generation activities to bridge the gap.

Second, you could discard all existing strategies and start fresh with new ones. Admittedly, this may result in a temporary decline in leads while you make the transition. However, if you possess an unparalleled ability to make the right choices, your new lead generation strategies will eventually soar and deliver an abundance of leads to your business.

Alternatively, you can fine-tune and test your existing lead generation activities, extracting every bit of potential from them. Then, you can introduce additional strategies or resources (probably both) to increase leads until you reach your desired target.

The first and third options are viable and achievable. However, the second option resides firmly in the realm of delusion.

In your marketing endeavors, it is essential to follow the guidance of mathematics. Whether we like it or not, it simply reflects our current reality.

If you desire assistance in transforming your marketing outcomes, we are more than happy to help: