Mastering the Turbulence Created by Others

You ever stop and wonder if there’s a way to inflict physical and mental havoc on yourself?

You know, things like headaches, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, and a barrage of mental health problems from anxiety to emotional instability.

Add to that a nice layer of decreased performance and productivity.

Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s not a dream—it’s the low-level adrenaline and norepinephrine cocktail served up by the news and the internet.

It’s like a buffet of stress-inducing content, with a side of misery. And guess what? You’re the one picking up the tab.

The news loves to stir the pot, hunting down that 0.001% of terrifying stories to keep you hooked. And boy, do they succeed.

But here’s the kicker: indulging in this constant stream of negativity wreaks havoc on your body and mind. Disease, dysfunction, failed relationships—it’s all on the menu.

So, before you dive headfirst into the news cycle, remember: what you consume matters.

Choose wisely.