GrowthCLUB Reflections

Last week’s GrowthCLUB was a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with our clients on their 90-day plans.

A recurring theme, especially among first-timers, was the constant state of busyness, exacerbated by the holiday season.

Often, busyness stems from excessive consumption—emails, news, ideas, podcasts—all of which flood us with tasks and thoughts. The challenge today is about curation. It’s about carefully selecting what we consume, focusing on what truly matters, rather than getting lost in the overflow of information.

Let’s face it, we’ve all found ourselves sitting down for a quick read or watch, only to realize hours have slipped by. I’ve been there too.

Here’s a roadmap:

Step one — establish your curation framework. Define what aligns with your goals and use this as your yardstick for consuming information.

Step two — consume with purpose. Gather enough insights to advance your projects or gain a fresh perspective.

Step three — halt. Once you’ve gleaned what’s needed, resist the temptation to chase after more shiny distractions.

Mastering this skill is no easy feat, but it’s where the real fortune lies. Curate, then cease consumption.