The Source of Tenacity

Deep within you and within your business lies an abundant well of tenacity.

It’s that inner reservoir you can tap into when you need to navigate a challenge, address a tough situation, or overcome an obstacle that once seemed insurmountable.

Often, when people dive into this well of tenacity, they find themselves saying, “I’m drained. I can’t do this again.” But here’s the reality: that well of resilience is deeper than you can imagine. Every time you reach down into it, you’re reminded of its vast depths.

What if you embraced these moments? What if, as discussed in yesterday’s podcast on “choosing happiness,” you recognized that joy, peace, and love are at the top of the energy hierarchy? The more positive energy you bring to a problem, the quicker and smoother the resolution.

I’m not advocating for unfaltering positivity.

If you’ve met me, you know my happy face and my angry face are virtually identical.

However, my experiences over the last three years have highlighted the incredible benefits of approaching tasks with joy and peace. It consistently yields superior results, for both myself and those around me.

So, where does resilience truly originate? It springs from the highest energy levels.

It emerges from a place of profound energy. It stems from the choice to acknowledge the boundless well of tenacity within you, one you can draw from whenever you need it.

Life unfolds in our favor, my friends, not against us.

Focus on what you can control, and since your actions are within your control, that means you wield 100% power.

P.S. One of your responsible actions is responding thoughtfully to the data at your disposal. Overwhelming data shows that salespeople who receive consistent training and coaching over an extended period outperform their peers by a whopping 50% per salesperson. If you’re seeking a money-making machine, sales training is it. The question is, will you choose to harness this powerful tool, or will you, like most of your colleagues, leave them to figure it out on their own? It’s not just 50% of your revenue at stake; it might be your entire profit. Choose wisely.