What Percentage of People Must Favor You?

How many customers do you need?

That’s the number of people you want to connect with positively.

Not everyone.

Because let’s face it, there’s a mishmash of personalities out there, and not everyone will align with your mission, and that’s perfectly fine.

Now that you understand it’s perfectly fine if not everyone is in your corner, who do you choose to be?

Are you for the jazz enthusiasts?

The football fanatics?

The environmental champions who use their resources to save our marine friends?

Yes, this is all about finding your niche.

Identifying who you’re here to serve lets you be the best version of yourself, enabling you to craft a distinct, focused message that resonates with those destined to work with you.

Narrow down your group of ideal people, those you’re here to assist. Ask them how they prefer to tackle their challenges. Ensure your offering aligns with their needs. Be clear about what you bring to the table.

Then you’re on your way.

Are you ready to put in the effort to simplify your life’s work?

Most folks won’t.

Choose wisely.