To Assess the Leader, Evaluate their Team

Ouch, right?

I’ve often repeated the mantra that “A” employees won’t work for “B” or “C” bosses, but I’ve never turned it around like this before.

Yet, evidence abounds of managers complaining about their people not living up to expectations, not showing up on time, or committing other perceived violations.

Huh. Life being a mirror and all, is it really possible to have less-than-ideal employees if you’re a good boss?

The place to start to “magically create” better employees is in the mirror.

Yes, that means you’re the one with the power to initiate change.

No matter the level you’re at, whether you’re the CEO of a multi-billion dollar public company or have just one employee, this truth holds. If your team isn’t meeting the standards, it’s your responsibility. Perhaps your HR processes need improvement, your company culture needs a revamp, or leader development requires attention.

That’s one of the reasons I refrain from speaking negatively about my team, or if I do, it’s short-lived.

There’s no avoiding this #truth.

If your employees aren’t performing as expected, it’s highly probable that you’re not being the best boss you can be.

Take a moment to digest that…

Thankfully, there’s an easy solution if you’re willing to explore it. Don’t hesitate to seek guidance if you’re uncertain about where to begin.