Affirmative Declarations

I was guiding a small workshop on the art of simplifying your business when we delved into a topic crucial for becoming a true business owner rather than just a “doer” in the business – an owner who creates a profit-driven enterprise that thrives even without your constant involvement.

Let’s talk about the concept of your identity iceberg, a notion I’ve explored previously. Picture this iceberg: the deepest, most substantial part submerged beneath the water represents your identity.

It’s what you internally tell yourself about who you are.

Now, your identity is primarily governed by your subconscious. Often, if you haven’t consciously worked on it, it’s largely shaped by the beliefs instilled in you during your early years, from birth to about seven years old.

If you’re content with that framework, that’s great.

But, if you desire change, the quickest route to transformation lies in harnessing the power of “I Am” statements.

Sure, “I Am” affirmations might have been mocked in pop culture, à la Stuart Smalley.

However, here’s the deal: Your subconscious accepts whatever you feed it. To your subconscious mind, “I am not good enough” holds as much weight as “I am a person who generates a million dollars yearly.”

Given this, isn’t it wiser to replace self-deprecating thoughts with affirmations that can expedite your journey to becoming the person you aspire to be?

It’s a journey that might require some practice, so why not start right now?

By the way, research is accumulating on the profound impacts of affirmations. Here’s a resource to delve into further.