Personal Development

Just wrapped up another round of the Personal Development MasterCLASS.

Seems like I learn just as much as the participants.

This week’s revelation: the intriguing link between the beliefs of the body and the beliefs of the mind, and why the body always emerges victorious.

Throughout your life, your brain has been producing chemicals, including hormones, that influence your experiences.

When these hormones connect with specific cell receptors, they trigger emotional responses.

Imagine a situation that truly infuriated you, and you find yourself replaying it endlessly in your mind.

Here’s the fascinating part: your brain cannot distinguish between real events and “thought” events. Consequently, it continues to release anger hormones.

Over time, as these anger hormones persistently flood your system, your body adapts and learns to respond automatically. It doesn’t even require an external trigger like anger—simply replaying the scenario in your mind will suffice.

In its quest to conserve energy for fight, flight, or freeze responses, your brain eventually delegates the responsibility of generating anger to your body. Thus, your brain can remain idle while your habitual emotions take charge.

Pretty remarkable, isn’t it?

But here’s the catch: when there’s a disconnect between your mind and your body, the body always emerges triumphant. Every single time.

You may think the right thoughts, but when it comes time to act, your body will seize control.

Think brave, feel fear, and fear will reign supreme.