Everything Is In The Mirror

Your fears, your competition, your successes, your goals, your dreams, your relationships – they all exist within you.

If you can overcome your inner demons, there will be no external competition.

Choosing abundance in your mind will eradicate any sense of lack.

Fear is merely a label you attach to something that happens within you.

I’ve been stressing the importance of the inner game lately, as my clients are constantly seeking external reasons for their negative emotions.

In reality, there is no “outside”. Your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner self.

This applies to positive events in your life as well – you made them happen through your inner world.

With that being said, it’s easier to choose positive outcomes every time.

Kurek Ashley’s quote, “What’s great about this?”, is a fantastic starting point. By focusing on true answers, you can transform the worst experiences into great results.

Remember, it’s only labeled as the worst if you choose to see it that way. Choose wisely.