Strive for excellence until you gain greater knowledge

“When you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou

Intriguing advice, isn’t it? It resonates profoundly, not just for personal growth but for the entire world.

In the realm of business, the common choice to remain stagnant is often cloaked in the guise of “I Know.”

“I know everything I need to know, why bother learning something new?”

“I’d rather complain about things not improving than put in the effort to get better.”

“My employees aren’t up to par, so I’ve given up on hiring.”

“Vishnu, you don’t get it; this won’t work for me. I’ve tried it before, and it’s hopeless.”

Interestingly, there isn’t any compelling literature that suggests giving up once you’ve acquired knowledge.

True, parents, friends, and the perpetually lazy may use such reinforcing language to discourage progress.

“Ease up, take a break. You don’t need to keep improving. You’re exhausted; have a nap.”


Don’t let others dictate your journey. Never cease your quest for knowledge. Never abandon yourself and your future.

Let others embrace complacency.

Choose wisely, my friends. The world is your canvas, waiting for your masterpiece.