The Agony of Multiplication

There’s a common saying that the only thing distinguishing a $200,000 plan from a $2,000,000 one is just a zero.

Growing, whether slowly or rapidly, poses its challenges, and the effort required remains quite consistent. Striving to make slight improvements over time demands an unyielding dedication, depleting your time and energy and sometimes feeling like a monumental task.

However, making substantial improvements doesn’t demand much more effort.

Let’s be real here. Enhancing your marketing strategies, whether for a marginal yearly growth or a rapid expansion, requires similar levels of difficulty. So, why confine yourself to a 10% or 20% growth when the effort invested in a 10x or 30x expansion isn’t drastically different?

As I pondered how we could achieve our lofty $100 million goal, it became evident that merely amplifying our current efforts would be strenuous. Yet, envisioning finding a handful of $2,000,000 clients annually—just 50 in total—seems like an alternative path, albeit distinct, that’s worth exploring. It involves similar effort, but the results would be transformational.

It’s not about urging you to aim for a 30x growth. It’s about recognizing that the labor involved in strategizing and planning is indeed arduous. Thus, why not invest that energy into aspirational objectives that could potentially make the journey more fulfilling and rewarding?