I Want To Do This On My Own

Today, let’s revisit yesterday’s message and reflect upon an important truth.

No high-performer in their right mind willingly lets go of the competitive advantages they can gain.

So, why do business owners often reject the same type of guidance and support?

It all comes down to self-sabotage—the age-old question of “Yeah, but what if it actually works?”

If there’s an area in your life where you struggle, and yet you choose not to take any action to address it, what can it be other than a conscious choice you’re making? Let’s explore a few possibilities together.

Struggling with weight loss? Consider seeking a trainer, consulting with a doctor, hiring a fitness coach, finding a workout partner, or even reading a book on the subject.

Want to make your money work for you? Seek advice from a financial advisor or your CPA, expand your financial knowledge through books or courses, and please refrain from investing in your cousin’s questionable crypto farm (just kidding!).

Concerned about your mental health? Explore the world of books, seek a therapist’s guidance, talk to a pastor or trusted friend who can offer support and understanding.

Nurturing your marriage? Consider marriage counseling, reading relationship books, or participating in group therapy sessions to strengthen your bond.

Dreaming of playing a musical instrument? Utilize the vast resources available on platforms like YouTube, or hire a skilled teacher or band director to guide you on your musical journey.

Now, let’s consider a different set of options.

Weight loss. Continuously indulge in fast food, making it a staple of your diet, and spend your days binge-watching TV alone.

Money. Succumb to impulsive purchases whenever something catches your eye, disregarding financial responsibility until you find yourself dwelling in a van down by the river.

Mental health. Allow depression to consume you, pushing away friends and family who care about your well-being.

Marriage. Choose to ignore the issues, leading to a strained relationship, potential divorce, and the negative impact it has on your life and that of your family.

Instrument. Persist in practicing poorly, ignoring constructive feedback, and eventually getting kicked out by frustrated roommates due to your lack of progress.

The difference in results is clear. In any area of your life where you can accelerate and improve with the help of others, choosing to go at it alone is simply suboptimal. This applies not only to personal matters but also to your business endeavors.

So, my friends, embrace the path of success rather than stubbornly holding onto the belief that you can conquer everything on your own. Seek guidance, surround yourself with mentors and experts, and unlock your full potential.